29 May 2008

Doing Better...

Thomas is starting to gain weight again! about a half of a pound in less than a week. The doctor was impressed. Matt and I have been packing him with rice cereal and he has been breast feeding a little bit more. Plus, we have figured out the causes of the spitting up, so he is actually keeping food in his belly! Less laundry! Yipee! Anyhow, his new favorite thing is these teething biscuits. He thinks they are delicious. (Dash does too, he swoops in once Tommy loses interest and gobbles it up.) Tommy laughs and talks the whole time he is eating them, which is usually a good 15 minutes before it gets sacrificed to the puppy. It is quite entertaining! TTFN!


A full house... said...

Glad to hear he is doing better. I just got Power Point on my work computer. I'll have to give it a try.

Cara said...

Yeah! I'm SO glad to hear that he is doing better! Can't wait to meet him. We've seriously got to get together this summer.