I officially have an iris issue...
So I know you are all anxious to hear about how Thomas is doing. All is well. Well, all is better than it was. Took him in for his 9 month appointment a month early, because the doctor wanted to monitor the progress that he is making. We have discovered that the lack of weight gain has a lot to do with an allergy or intolerance to bananas and blueberries. That is what has been causing the crazy amount of puking. Then there was the ear infection and his adverse reaction to the medication, more puking. Anyhow...the doctor is hoping that now that we have both of these things under control, we will be able to start packing on the pounds...or ounces. We are hoping that he gains a pound or so in the next three weeks, or else we have to take him for a bunch of lab tests. Not fun... Otherwise though, he is still the happy, content little baby we all know and love. He is just a little well...little. He getting taller, and still has a head circumference that is almost off the charts. I like to think he gets his big melon from all those brains. I have been bad about taking pictures lately, but I have a couple pretty cute ones... My new favorite thing that Tommy does is passing toys, or whatever it is that he has in his hand to you. He is so amused just handing things back and forth. Oh, and today, he discovered the joy of getting dirty. I was weeding, and he sat next to me and dug a hole in the dirt and was SO HAPPY about it. He was laughing out loud, and just kept looking at me like "I can not believe you are letting me do this...this is AWESOME!" Super cute. Here is your Tommy fix...

Anyhow, I officially have and iris issue. They are taking over my world. Does anybody want any? Seriously, I am definately dividing them at the end of the growing season. Last year I threw the extra bulbs in the woods on our property, because , frankly there was no more room in the garden. I did not plant them, litterally just tossed them in the woods, ant they are growing like crazy in the middle of a forest. I thought I had just a few around the tree, and there are tons. Don't get me wrong, I love them, that is why they are there, I just worry that they will choke everything else out. I am so proud of the garden that Matt dug out for me. I love every plant that I have put in it. Really, I am a garden dork. I even bought 2 gmomes that hang off of my plants. They are cool, I don't care what anybody says. Matt gets his pig, I get my gnomes. I was going to post some garden pictures, but blogger is not cooperating, somewhere, the system must know that none of you care to see the garden, you just want more Tommy pictures. I get the message...
Lastly, welcome to the blog Xavier, glad Heddy finally told you about it. I hope you two are having a great weekend. Can't wait to see you again!!
1 comment:
Good for you letting him play in the dirt. Boys and dirt are a match made in heaven.
No more kids here any time soon. We are finally able to go and do things with out a diaper bag, stroller, and the million other things needed to do anything! IT FEELS SO GOOD!!!! I love this. I love that they are growing. I will get my baby fix from everyone else!
Tommy is really growing up. What a cutie. Good luck getting the puking under control. Bren was a puker. Projectile puker. I always smelled lilke sour milk. I think it was minor acid reflux. He got skinny too, but we were able to fatten him up with oatmeal. On the stove, old fashion oatmeal. Sticks to their ribs and heavy enough to keep down.
Good Luck, and enjoy your holiday weekend!
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