First Tommy ran through (okay...he only really ran around) the sprinkler. That was enough to get wet though.Then, he needed a break, and took a seat in the chair.Then, he played with a pine needle.Then he played with some bark. He told his Mommy what nice bark it was.
Then, he took off his sandals. He liked the tickle of the grass on his toes.Then, the day got even better.What is that you see Tommy?Over here Tommy?Oh... over there. What is it?
Oh... a cute little froggie! How fun!Tommy chased the frog for a long time, but eventually, it was time to go inside.It was a great day. Tommy even made some artwork before bed.Goodnight!
Oh, the froggies. So much fun! :)
Katie you could write children's books I LOVE IT
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