I hope everyone had a great Easter. Again, I have failed at this blogging thing...I am providing all two or three of you that actually still have faith in my blog and visit it occasionally the opportunity to view multiple pictures, in no particular order, to get you up to speed on the Fall House. Again, I promise to try harder to make this a regular thing. What has happened since I last blogged? Lots! I made a cute little quilt for my sister's new baby girl (coming in June). Work is still work. One of Tommy's favorite activities in the world is to help Mommy or Daddy recycle. He is hilarious. Whatever he is doing, if he sees one of us rinsing a plastic bottle or taking apart a box, he stops what he is doing and says" Mamma! (or daddy) Cycle?" Then, he runs over to me (or Daddy) and grabs whatever the object is, and heads to the garage, where he puts the object to be recycle in the proper bin (with mommy or daddy telling him which bin it goes in). Then, he comes inside for a bragging session, he walks over to the parent who did not help out and says"Daddy, I cycled!! I cycled!!" Then, we tell him good job, and he moves on with his day. The other morning, he cracked me up with this. Daddy already went to work and I had a milk jug that needed recycling. He helped, but then came inside and could not find anyone to brag to, so he walked over to the dog (who was eating breakfast) and said "Dash, I cycled! I cyled!" I laughed so hard!! Anyhow, you did not come to read my ramblings, you came to see pictures of the cutie, so here they are...
Tommy loves "Forts"

This is one of his favorite forts to build with help, and then hide and "read".

Outside is the best!!, and when you are not outside, you are thinking about outside...

Hats? Hats are awesome! By the way, when Thomas pumps his fist in the air and says "Awesome!" I can not contain my smile, it is hilarious. He started doing this about a month or so ago, and it still has not gotten old, but I digress... here is the awesome hat picture...

I just can not believe how big he is getting, he loves eating on his own, sitting at the real table, and coloring...

That's all for now. By the way, tonight I made some delicious PB and Choc. cupcakes. Both of my dudes LOVED them.