29 June 2008
26 June 2008
train wreck
some things are truely like a train wreck. You do not want to see it, but once you do, you can not look away... click here if you dare. I am not even going to attempt to explain what you are about to see. (it is family appropriate, don't worry).
25 June 2008
3 minutes
So, if I say it out loud...or write it here...maybe it will be more real. I have let myself get a bit pudgy. Okay...I am fat. I need to lose weight. Tommy is nine months old now, the "baby weight" excuse is just not working anymore. I have recently started running again and watching what I am eating, and it feels really good. Three minutes is a huge difference though. I am doing this run, then walk thing. I told myself that I would not over do it, because when I do, I tend to get discouraged. So I run for 2 and walk for 2. It is a good work out, but not too challenging. So tonight, I decided to challenge myself a bit. I ran pretty quickly for me for as long as I could until I had to start walking, keeping in mind that I needed to keep walking or running for at least 20 minutes ( I won't let myself back inside until then). That whopping impressive amount of time proved to be 7 minutes, then I waked for 3, then went back to my run 2 walk 2 thing. Those math folks have already calculated that in my 20 minutes I only ran 3 more than normal. But 3 minutes was the difference between an okay workout and one where I actually sweat- a lot. Matt insisted that I go directly to the shower when I entered the house again. Anyhow, it felt good, and kinda bad that 3 minutes can make that big of a difference. I guess that this means that I offically am out of shape, but I am doing something about it. There, I said it out loud...or wrote it...but still, now I feel like I am accountable to not give up on this journey to being a healthier person. TTFN.
23 June 2008
the Dentist?
So, tomorrow morning Tommy and I are going to the dentist. For him. That's right folks, new ADA guidelines say that you should take your child to the dentist 6 months after the first tooth erupts. Therefore, I am taking my nine month old with two teeth to the dentist. Interesting...I am not quite sure what she is going to do with him, but it will be interesting. She insisted that I sign him up for an appointment...we have the insurance, so I am taking him. I will let you know what happens. I am sure it will be eventful. Side note- if you get a chance, check out Green and Clean Mom. She has a lot of contests and the most recent one is for IsaBooties. My aunt and cousin sell them at their store, Parkside North, and they gave me two pair, and they are awesome! Tommy can not rip them off of his feet, they are eco-friendly, and adorable! It does not get much better than that. Anyhow, I am going to call Mandy...I am so excited to go up to see everyone in Traverse and Petoskey soon!!! Yipee!!!
22 June 2008
18 June 2008
It's been a while...

So... The flowers are blooming and Matt is wrapping up his last classes for his Masters, and the computer time has been very limited. But so has my time with him...so I will keep this brief...Matt "graduated" this past weekend. I think that it is so silly that they have the ceremony two weeks before his classes end. He kept saying that he does not really have time to go to the ceremony, he has too much work to do to finish his classes. It seemed quite ironic. I am so proud of him though. The graduation was really nice. Grama Fall entertained Thomas. He loved it. They both loved it as you cen see in this picture taken moments before it started. Matt has worked so hard to finish this degree. He is awesome. So, I feel I must mention what an awesome daddy he is in honor of Father's Day. He is so good with Tommy. Tommy would not let him go after the graduation ceremony (hence the cute picture). Really though, Matt has never shyed away from diaper duty (okay, maybe not never...) Tommy loves to listen to Matt read to him at night. He does the best animal noises. All Matt has to do is say "cockadoodoodledoo" and Thomas laughs uncontrollably. It is so cute to see the two of them together. I love my dudes. :) That's all for now. Matt told me I must blog tonight, "Your fans are missing you" TTFN.
08 June 2008
rain rain go away...

Matt and I took Tommy to the lake today. And he liked it. I am not going to say he loved it, because it was a bit wavy today (lots of boats out). But it was a good experience. Plus, Matt and I have lived 2 minutes from the lake for quite some time now, and it was our first time in the lake. Tommy got to "swim" in his little blow up pool for a little while on Saturday, between the rain. Other than

05 June 2008
01 June 2008
No pictures, but...
...we had a great weekend. Matt got to go up north for Andy's bachelor party. Good times were had there. I got to hang out with my little sister at home. We went to pick up her wedding dress, which is stunning. I picked out my dress or being her matron of honor. She is pretty cool for letting us pick out our own. Here is a link to the dress I chose. We will all be in wine with navy trim. It will be very pretty. Oh, and Tommy went on a pony ride at Gee Farms. I brought the camera, but no memory card, so, BUMMER. No pictures of the ordeal. He actually was hanging on by the end of it, and loving it. Oh, well, we will get pictures next time. Also, I planted some veggies. Not including the cost of two tomato cages ($8.00) the whole garden cost me $4.00. Heather helped me dig out the spot and prepare the soil. I went around the forested area on our lot and picked up enough sizable rocks to create a border. And I planted 4 tomato plants, 4 cherry tomato plants, 3 mounds of cucumbers, 10ish yellow onions, 3 potatoes, and 4 yellow pepper plants, and 4 jalapeƱo plants. I am very excited to see how things go. Any tips on keeping the bunnies away? We have mutant bunnies in our neighborhood. I was talking to the neighbor yesterday, and she said that she has never seen rabbits as large as we have. Well, that is about it. I promise to have Tommy pictures soon.
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