31 March 2008
Annalisa's Party
27 March 2008
NEVER buy an Alero
- the transmission
- heater fan
- HVAC module (twice)
- wiper transmission (twice)
- brakes
- alternator
- tie rods
- side mirror
- front bumper (some crazy lady hit me when I was pregnant)
- body control module
- lock pass module
- PLUS...every time I do not click the gas cap exactly 3 times- no more, no less- the service engine soon light comes on, which is no biggie, just very irritating
I think I have ranted enough. Have a good one!!
23 March 2008

So...I think that the Fall Family looked pretty good this Easter, don't you? We went to church, then Matt's Grandparents, Tommy got to see his cousins, it was a lot of fun, and the food was fantastic- many thanks to uncle Terry for the lamb and the best potatoes that I have ever tasted! Well, everything was fab- Matt's mom made my favorite salad, and his sister made amazing cake, it was a great Easter!
22 March 2008
Here is your Tommy fix-if you need one. Who doesn't need one?
21 March 2008
phew...what a week.

15 March 2008
Aunt Sue’s Macaroni and Cheese
¼ cup butter or margarine
¼ cup flour
2 cups warm milk
Dash of pepper
½ teaspoon or more of hot-pepper sauce
½ cup heavy cream
12 ounces sharp cheddar cheese shredded coarsely (about 3 cups) divided
8 ounces 2 cups macaroni elbows or favorite pasta cooked and drained
In a heavy saucepan over low heat melt butter. Add flour, stir with wooden spoon or spatula 3 minutes or until mix is frothy and taste of raw flour is gone. Gradually stir warm milk into mix. Turn up heat – stir until sauce is just at boiling point. Turn down heat, let simmer few minutes. Add pepper and hot-pepper sauce. (don’t use pepper sauce too sparingly, it will help bring out the cheese taste). Stir in heavy cream, simmer briefly or until flavors are blended. Stir ¾ cheese into simmering sauce until melted, combine cheese sauce with macaroni. Pour into greased 2 quart dish. Sprinkle with remaining cheese, bake in pre-heated 350 degree oven for 30 minutes or until bubbly and light brown.
Serves 4
11 March 2008
BG in the Free Press
Check this out. Good article. Brandon Goyings is a great kid, met him at JCC.
More later.
09 March 2008
Swim Lesson

Swim lessons were yesterday. We had so much fun!! Thomas did awesome! He was so
07 March 2008
Another day off...
Ahh... the joy of working in higher ed. Today was "spring Friday". So, Tommy and I got to hang out again. We went grocery shopping, he slept the whole time. We played, he ate, he pooped, that's about it. No blanket has been made yet, I got distracted by the idea of making stuffed blocks out of scrap material. I made one, It's actually pretty cute. The biggest accomplishment of the day was home made mac and cheese though. Doesn't it look yummy??? It is a recipie my Aunt Sue gave me, and it was delicious! Swim lessons tomorrow, we'll see how that goes!
06 March 2008
Day off
So...I did not have to work today! Now, a year ago, that meant sleeping in, watching TV, and making a yummy dinner. Then, there was Tommy. We were up at 4:45, and he went back to sleep quickly, I just tucked him in and put my hand on his chest. So, I thought I was good for another hour or two. Went back to bed, and Matt's alarm went off at 5. Then he remembered he did not have to go into work until later today. So, back to sleep. Tommy got up hungry at about 5:30, and after eating went back to sleep. So I went back to sleep, until 7:15 when I was done sleeping. No clue why, just done. Geez...I never thought I would reach the point in my life where my body was done with sleep by 7:15. Anyhow, tried to take a bath, but as soon as my feet hit the water, Tommy woke up. So, I ended up showering with him in the bouncy seat next to the shower. After I was clean, Tommy ate some breakfast, and we packed up to go to the YMCA. I needed to finish registering him for swimming lessons. So, I ran into some people there that I used to work with, and of course they are in love with the little guy. I know they were all shocked at my size (3 pant sizes bigger than when I worked there). No one said anything though. I found out that the girl teaching our lesson on Saturday is one that I trained and hired to work there. I hope that there is no akwardness. Anyhow, I think that is it for the day. We came home and he is taking a nap right now, we'll see how long that lasts. I think I am going to attempt to make him a blanket. Which will make Matt happy. He bought me a sewing maching for Christmas one year, and I do not use it nearly enough. I'll see how the blanket making goes.